Broadcast Control

Avi 04/02/2022

The beast may be able to hide its appearance, but it cannot hide its eyes. It tricks, it deceives. It is best not to talk about it, little one. 

It's said to give them power. 


"Now, as the actual being mentioned here, I find this unfair! I haven't DECEIVED anyone in a looooonnng time! You all can be so rude. AND the tricks you make seem SOOOO demonic are HARMLESS! So what if one king died one time due to one?? I swear you mortals always assume the worst in everyone! And I have a NAME you kno-"

Avi 04/04/2022

The... thing... has been causing mischief as usual. Why did he curse the jungle, again? And why are they cursing kings?? It doesn't appear to have a motive. Are they doing this for fun? He confuses me greatly. 

Now, about the jungle curse... I've done some research into it. It appears to be a version of Moonsickness, maybe? It certainly warps the physical body. I'm unsure about the neon colors that come with it. And why so close to Nuhaeo? Are they doing this to mess with the mortals? And... why does it seem more effective on gods? 

Is it doing this to mess with us? Maybe they're working with the Dreamwatcher? Or... it almost seems like they're doing this for fun.

Avi 04/05/2022

The thing has taken to revealing things that I purposefully hid. Does he realize how difficult it is to maintain a website about the gods along with handling the Aviatrum populace?? 

Calm, Sinaku, calm- You can erase this once more. Maybe you can hunt it down. Trap them? Make them stop? 

Yeah. That'll work.

Avi 04/06/2022

And so said the sea, 

"Your majesty, I cannot help but question thoust command, as within it is your demise. This I can see. 

Your fate is not set in stone, not like the heart of moss. I can help you rule. All I ask for is a return, of sorts. A price you pay. Give me a piece of your soul, and your safety will be ensured." 


"We will be glorious! I knew you could trust me." 


And that was all I heard from the sea, what it had decreed, before everything went dark. What once lay within the waves is no more than a foul beast, a rotten trickster. Do not trust this god. 

Though I know the future generations will not hear this, I cannot help but wish, somehow, I am heard. The kings of ages past trusted this horror to guide them, and they have long since passed. I now join them.

Avi 04/28/2022

The Alpur royal lineage has always been troubled. But... with the last ruler, I feel like there was something special about them. Prince Acher was the name, correct? I think he knew what was going to happen. 

Something in the eyes with that one. Oh well, they're gone now. I can't get the answers I want.

Avi 05/13/2022

Oh, don't you see? I am the king now. Not you, not your parents. 

You poor poor prince. You realized far too late what my plans were. 

Never trust the sea, you see? Not its waves nor its heart. 

You'll still live, do not fret- just not in the way you think. Poor, poor, Prince Acher.

Avi 06/06/2022

More information about the paw has been released. It, oddly enough, already seemed to be in a state of rot before it washed up, implying that whatever lost this limb was far out to sea. It also, upon further investigation, has webs between its talons. This seemingly means that this is an aquatic species. We cannot deny that it is undoubtedly of canine nature, however. 

Further investigations are being conducted, as well as interviews with the only remaining member of the Ronglep royal family, due to their historical connection with the Sea's Heart legend...

Avi 06/09/2022

(tw: A little nasty, description of gore) 

As my bones cracked and my blood hardened into a twisted amalgamation of what it was never meant to be, I heard eons of voices from the ages past, a warning uttered by my father into me, which I did not heed. 

My twist of fate must be a result of my ignorance. 

Flashes of the beast accompanied my spin into the abyss, the eyes pounding through my skull. 

One voice echoes above the others, swelling and dripping with poison. 

"Did you think the depths would harbor you?" 

Blood caked my fur, dripping from my teeth. 

"My, you're a mess. Don't worry, my little moth, it will all be over soon, and you'll be of great use to me." 

A lie. Even now I feel the agony of my existence. No one can pretend it is not there. And with my anger, my pain, I lash and tear at those who are brought to this wretched realm. No one remains when I return. Yet my torment persists.

Avi 06/11/2022

Sinaku has provided many manuscripts from what she calls her "inspiration" to the libraries across Aviatrum. However many I look through, one always catches my eye... "The King in Yellow". Something tells me that it's not the first time it has caught someone's eye.

Avi 07/23/2022

-2, 3, starting broadcast... now! Hello Nuhaeo folks, and welcome back to Tachi's Radio. Here I talk about current events, drama overseas, and other things on my mind! 

On today's news, we have a couple things. First up, Solquem was reportedly seen near Sunstone Point! Even though I like to be on the more believing side, what would she be doing there? I know she likes heat, but there's nothing to do there! 

Trust me, I know.


God sightings have been more and more frequent lately. I think everyone's been hopping on that trend ever since Fae's reappearance in Okuveo! 

Secondly, Prince Acher- of the Inhej royal family- has gone missing! Where could he have gone? No one knows. As he was the last heir of Inhej, Enui has been thrown into a frenzy, trying to find any royal blood! Wonder if they'll find someone? 

Back in our good ol' Aetrus, the Children of the Void have been calming down their activity. I can't be the only one curious about what they're worshipping! They're so secretive. 

Ⱨ̶͚͘Ɇ̶̭̎Ⱡ̶̙̇Ⱡ̶̗̓Ỏ̷̖, ₳̷͚̓₴̴̙͛₮̵̞̒Ɽ̵̖̐Ʉ̵͉̄₥̴͕̀ 

Whoops, looks like we had some interference there! Better end it here before anything more happens. Bye for now, and don't forget to tune in next time, this is ̶̱̈́ ̶̴̥͎͆̎ ̸̷̧̥̍̐ ̴̶̲̦̒̆ ̴̵̝̩̑̚ ̷̴͈̜̽̍ ̸̷̥̼͌̓ ̴̸̣̳̔͘ signing off!

Figured I should make some pronunciation guides for this- 

Inhej ("En-hayj")

Enui ("Eh-nuy") 

Aetrus ("Ay-truhs")

Avi 09/24/2022

Nautical Disappearances Continue... 

As you may know, ever since the 28th of April, multiple ships and planes have gone missing. I have been looking into these, but I have yet to find any clue as to why they disappeared. 

Though, there is one common factor: All the ships were on the trading route from Ronglep to Wolfhollow when they lost all contact with the Situr ports...

Avi — 11/13/2022

I won't lie
I've been thinking about Xtachiru a lot, and it was only a matter of time before he got a fact post


Our lovely coyote was originally a wolf, then a jackal before I settled on a coyote

Vaguely canine designs for the win!


I'd describe his alignment to be True Neutral or Chaotic Neutral- similar to Astrum, actually


Despite Astrum's fear of them, and its amusement from Astrum, they're actually quite similar. If they ever teamed up, things would be over before we knew it.


Xtachi's true form might eventually make a debut here


He was originally inspired from the vibe of Ghost's Communications songs (Broadcast Illusion in particular)


While they have a particular fondness for the radio, it uses all sorts of media, including tv broadcast, talk show, etc etc


The sound of static follows his physical form

Avi 11/22/2022

Welcome back to Tachi's Radio, folks! What a wild month it's been! Astrum's blight has been stopped, the cult has scattered, and everything has returned to- mostly- normal. All thanks to- what, you want to keep yourself anonymous? Alright, fine- an anonymous civilian!

I know we left off on a rather extreme cliffhanger, with Enui's royal frenzy, but I'm happy to say that Prince Acher has returned! Apparently, he just had an optometrist appointment to attend to! I always found their contact mismatch to be weird, glad they've got it under control!

See you soon, I'm off to fix the studio, Tachi signing off!

Avi 01/31/2023

Transmission from Curosk, Abachi (NAVY #9547) to Possumleap Base - Traversal to Alpur Base

General, as you requested, I have been monitoring this stretch of ocean closely. I have bad news, though.

On 10/5, it went dead silent. Nothing on the transmitters. Only the sound of waves.

We waited a day just to be sure it wasn't just being quiet, but we've had nothing since.