Lost Cities

Avi — 11/24/2021

The fall of Hallowbrook is usually overlooked. A whole city, gone within a matter of months... due to but a wildlife problem. Not much is known about what happened to it. News doesn't cover peasant towns that often, after all. The only mention of the beast that took it down was it's bright yellow eyes... The attacks didn't stop after Hallowbrook, of course. Not sure they ever have.

Avi — 1/04/2022


E sihao wasakuhake eo Haveseraeo ramo'okuwa hagehaeo >:)

Let's see, lore tidbit

Rakuekeharamo sahasikute haravemo'ote senaku sivemorasebeharate. Unakuraku uhawa wanaku. Ese nahate haxerakuhatebe kakukuo hao navemora. He allowed himself a small sigh. 

Waeohakemo numowase'toku sihaxerukute naenu vemosee nakuraku tavera waveenukusenaeoge.

Avi 01/05/2022

"Now now, don't go soft on me. You know I wouldn't call you out here for nothing." 

Reikaru tensed at the sound of Sinaku's sneering voice. 

"Alright, yes. Did you have to choose the ruins though?" 

"Technically, no. I think they're pretty." 

"Well, I find them unsettling. You know this used-" 

"Yeah yeah, used to be a town that chose you for it's patron." 

Reikaru scratched at the symbol on the ground. 

"It doesn't matter anymore. You know what did this, right?" Sinaku snapped. 

"No... no I don't. Why do you ask?"

"Just curious. This is quite the ravaged town for something so... mysterious." Sinaku looked around at the clawed rubble. 

"As you said, it doesn't matter. It isn't happening anymore. The attacks have stopped, right?"

Avi 01/20/2022

Right, lore

There are other fallen cities than Hallowbrook. Fuyunohanashi Village was lost a long time ago, to a certain earthen beast...

Avi 12/14/2022



(These quotes are disjointed, but still part of the same conversation!)

"Imagine a much younger version of myself, standing where I am right now..."

"...We were essentially gods ourselves, back then. Never to die, only grow older. While we hadn't been given any of the power of the actual deity, there were rumors that some of us could control plant life..."

"Many of us enjoyed sparring. We knew we would never have to use it- after all, Sinaku said we were the only ones here. However, when the time came, these fake fights didn't help at all."

"Many of us were marked with the pattern of the god- a marking I've grown to hate on myself."

"...my brother was one of them. The first to attack the Beast when it appeared.... and the first lost."

"It was a simple life, but, looking back on it now... I wouldn't go back to it."