Other/ Unsorted

I had/have no idea where to put these guys.

But I've learned that that's okay! It's nice to have characters that don't quite fit in specific places, so they can fit anywhere!

None of these guys are up for grabs. I love them all to bits.


(She/They with an enby lean)

Investigator and maybe-unofficial adopted mom of Kadri. Perpetually tired of everyone's bullcrap, but has a soft spot for the kid and some other totally unknown coworkers.

Kadri Wolfsbane


Kadri is an easily-excitable werewolf, who gets surprisingly homicidal at times! Was adopted by Teeth after some... family shenanigans. Legally required to be a wolfboy at all times.

Daikjin Rai


"Pay your dues to the beast king, for the trees will not be as forgiving as he."



Street punk with no regard for the police, the law, or any sort of authority. They're also a bit of a phantom thief.



Water tiger! They don't have any lore, they're just fun to draw. The most I have about them is that they could be some sort of water spirit.


(She/They) (but genderfluid)

Very murderous, totally normal ocelot. Very very normal. Doesn't leak strange black fluid. Nope.

Aside from that, Robyn has a love for anything punk, and is always looking for a good fight!



Ominous deer man for a minecraft server. Pretty antisocial, and incredibly unpredictable. Pushed someone off a cliff once! ...Or maybe twice.



I LOVE THIS LITTLE RAT SO MUCH. Obnoxious to the highest degree, and seemingly very self-centered. Owns his own energy drink brand, which he obtained through his skills at automobile racing! Despite all that, though, they still live in a trash heap of an apartment.