Crown of Thorns

Avi — 12/03/2021

The blackness, it would always be there, watching the life of the planet tick slowly by. Seeing the birds flit to and fro. Seeing those who we call 'Vikari', 'humans', go about their lives... it will always be there. And it will outlast us all.

Avi 12/20/2021

Almost nothing is as it seems in this world. I have been researching the old legends and... so many things are missing. These holes, these missing parts, what fills them? What got erased?

Oops one more lore post for today

There must've been wars, once, in Aviatrum history- after all, why would we have the militia? 

But these wars, if they did exist, they aren't here anymore. 

No one I ask knows about them. And the gods... they do not answer my prayers. 

What happened? What happened, to cause the erasing of these long ago battles? 

All I have found, after hours of analyzing is the mention of A Great Evil. 

A Void.

Avi — 12/20/2021

(I am now installing a late penalty for me because I want to post this) 

My research has led me to believe a war happened long before Godfall- when the deities were at their full strength. 

This Void, I believe it was the one threatening them. Mentions of this are far and few between. Though... I have managed to find something. A tapestry. 

It was hidden in the Spires. Whoever drew this... they clearly didn't want anyone to see it.

Avi 12/22/2021

I have spiraled further and further into this mystery. 

The Void was not able to be defeated in the battle, long ago. The gods- or, god, were/was forced to erase the memory of it.


The beast exists in flashes, according to the old texts. It has been lost, and I believe it is unknown where they currently are.

And now, no one remembers them. I'm going to have to dig deeper, when I'm this close to the truth, I have to... 

(The writing trails off here. The author must've been in a rush.)

Avi 12/26/2021

"Sinaku... you- you have to know what this means." 

Rift shuffles nervously to the side. He was well aware of Sinaku's explosive nature, and had no intent to test it today. 

"Yes, I know what it means," Sinaku hissed. 

"What do we do?" 

"We erase all evidence of its existence. It must not know it can do this, otherwise... there's no hope of getting life on this planet." 

Rift was... hesitant, to say the least. But with the way Sinaku was looking at him, he should probably agree. 

"And that means you can't know too."

Avi 01/10/2022

Some creatures from the Ancient World still remain. They have not gotten over the tragedy.

This is why we need our militia.

Avi 04/01/2022

I have changed everything 

Astrum is the main character 

Sinaku dies by choking on a triscuit

Oh lol almost forgot, changed the entire linguistics of Aotrin 

(ebaheT aw'exuxevaT exearasaH eburasahaN)


Alright fiiiiine an actual lore post 


The void is awful. There are things here. Awful things. Five eyed, awful, horrendous things. 

Eyes are all I see. 

My memories blurred. 

Are the eyes me? Am I them? 

A new pair. 

Orange, like the rising sun. 

They promise an escape. 


Against the one called Sinaku? 

That name fills me with dread. But also... anger? Why?

Avi 04/25/2022

Children of the Void 

There are certain individuals in the Aotrin populace who have come to believe that there was a certain being, before the Great Plague, before the creatures we know today came to be. They seem to... worship this being, claiming it will be the one to save them all. I have no idea how they came to this conclusion, nor why they assume this beast will save them. 

I have spoken with them before. I will now provide for you a log of the interaction...


"So, you believe whoever this being is will... save you? From what?" 

"Yes yes! The Great Void will help us save ourselves from S-" 

"Hussssh hush hush... not when She's listening.." 

"Ah, right, I apologize." 

"Allllright. How do you know this?" 

"The void speaks to us! In our dreams..." 


"It tells us of the being... of the Vessel!" 

"We must find the Vessel... preserve it.." 

"OOOOKay that's enough for me, goodbye it was very nice to speak with you" 


I have never been more convinced that something awful brews in our world.

Avi 06/13/2022

I have finally gathered enough courage to approach this group again. They've been spreading out across Aetrus, so I figured I might as well ask them why... 


"So, you've been expanding your initiative across Aviatrum. Care to explain why?" 

"Oh, you don't have to do that with us!" 

"Yes! Yes!" 

"Say Aetrus. It's how our muse says it!" 

"Oookay. You've been expanding across Aetrus. Why?" 

"Our lady said that the vessel is somewhere within Aetrus! Which was true!" 

"We do have her now." 

"Uh- care to explain this vessel?" 

"Our muse embodies a vessel! And we had to find this vessel, preserve it, to prepare for the coming night!" 

"Yes! Yes!" 

"We may be spared because of this!" 

(I was stunned into silence at this point.) 

"The vessel has some medication that's been troubling our lady, so we had to contain her!" 

"Tsk tsk... how rude." 

"The vessel is a... person?" 


"No! We were told to say no, remember!?" 

"Right! No!" 

"Alright, uh... I have to go. Goodbye. Farewell." 

"Bye bye, Alti!" 


"Tell us how your friend is doing sometime!" 


This situation is only getting more and more concerning. How did they know my name? How did they know about Epatho's... condition?? Where is this "vessel"?? Is she okay? I have more questions than what can be answered. What is "the coming night"? They're going to be spared from it? Sounds bad, very very bad...

Avi 07/25/2022

My research has found that this beast is/was referred to as a couple names. The Ancient Beast, The BlacK Goat, and... the Crown of Thorns. I think the last of the few is related to the tapestry I foUnd. Now, based off of appearance of the creature... this may be related to the Children of the Void. 

I can't reSearch this further. I tHink what I've written somehow affected EpathO... he's been odd. Too odd. And I can't ignore the orange glint in his eyeS. 

I'm in danger. 

I'll loOk for sOme way to help Epatho. For Now... this is my final entry. 

Read between the lines. 

- Alti Levae, 7/25/22

Avi 02/07/2023

Just realized that I made Midas's godly occupation Metal and Energy even though electricity is a better word for it

Now I'm just imagining him slapping someone with a windmill



Wkh Orvw Frqvwhoodwlrq

It was shattered long ago, wiped from memory- of all things except the stars.

The space between stars will never be whole again unless the hound repairs it.