The Divine

There's multiple gods in Aviatrum, and with that comes multiple religious groups. Each is dedicated to a certain god, or group of gods. For example, Aeris, Reikaru, Fae, and Solquem are grouped together in a certain branch of this religion. This doesn't have many members, however- they believe that the rivalry between Aeris and Solquem is too severe to be worshipped unanimously. Different groups have different universal opinions, of course (ie. Aeris is pretty well-hated, while Corkscrew is more liked.) Churches are sometimes built for certain gods. The less popular gods don't usually get them, but more powerful gods have multiple (Sinaku, Solquem, and Aeris, despite his unpopularity). There are some unknown churches/temples, for some.. forgotten gods. There's obviously some discourse among different groups, but usually the topic doesn't come up. There is no need. At the end of the day, it's up to those who feel inclined who, or what, they believe in. Keep in mind, some disregard this flavor of religion entirely, favoring other gods.

Avi — 12/07/2021

I have successfully memorized most of simplified Aotrin and none of you are safe


Unahase nahasarukuokute veo senahase tehabe? Unahase sihamowakute senaku gevetewa seve sirahawana teveuo seve Hake'ehaseramonu? Haxeru uku keoveu ewa senahase senakube uexeru okutokura rakusivetokura...

Some of my characters have Aotrin names! This might help ya hehe

Gevete means god, I'll give ya that

And most of the Aotrin language is two letters, though some letters ignore this

Today's lore post hmmmm 

Sinaku is more prone to stress-induced God's Blood, due to her amount of power. It clogs up her abilities when it builds up, causing some... issues. All of the gods have the God's Blood issue, actually. How bad it is varies depending on how much power they have- for example, Warsaw barely gets the God's Blood issue, while Corkscrew gets it somewhat infrequently. God's Blood can actually end up killing the god.

Avi 12/17/2021

Most of the gods have a mortal form, for interacting with the Aviatrum populous. It's usually impossible to tell them apart from everyone else, but they sometimes bear a likeness to the god, so...

Avi 01/28/2022

Here's your lore bit 

Wars are often fought in Reikaru's honor, despite his dismay 

Also I'm working on updating refs, but with some secret added workload it mayyy be a bit difficult

Avi 01/30/2022

(Requested by FlynneWot) 

Godfall was a horrendous event that happened many moons ago. It sent the gods crashing down to Aviatrum, collapsed the Sanctuary, and weakened their power considerably. The details are kept hidden for the most part... only a few know.

Avi 02/04/2022

"Aeris, I've been meaning to ask; what's godhood like?" 

"That's kind of... vague. If you're talking about the powers...? I don't enjoy them, but certainly others do. One could say they're useful. But all they do for me is serve as a reminder of... Her." 

Aeris shuffled closer to Sai. 

"However, the views on the immortality aspect are varied. Most people tend to believe it's a 'curse' of sorts, never being able to die. Though, I don't personally believe this is the case. I've seen beautiful cultures and civilizations come and go, I've seen beautiful people come and go, but all that immortality does is allow me to meet them. I suppose it depends upon one's view; one may be devastated by the death of one they knew, and even more devastated that they must continue living past them, watching them disappear from memory. But I think that makes me appreciate them more, knowing that I remember them. I guess... most things depend on viewpoint, really." 

A moment of silence passed, with Aeris staring up at the stars. 

"They're rather bright tonight, aren't they?"

Avi 02/05/2022

(Requested by FlynneWot) 

Fun Fact, Sai died before! But she did not want to die, and Aeris took a liking to her, so he allowed a certain deal

Aeris would allow her to return to life, but with that amount of power from him, it would take a toll on her physical appearance...

(No more info >:( )

Avi 02/08/2022

I remember... there was another, wasn't there? Someone banished, or trapped. 

It couldn't have been Chimera... not Orbit... who? Neram? No, he was far too nice for this feeling I'm getting... 

Why can't I remember? How much is being hidden from us? 

What did Sinaku do?

Avi 02/10/2022

Feuding Gods There have been fights between the gods throughout Aotrin history. But none quite as bad as Godfall (see pg. 104) and Sikuraka


This event happened in Situr-Enui, so not much is known about it. A battle between an unnamed nature god and some greater evil. It is not confirmed to be Fae, nor The Ancient Beast...

Avi 03/07/2022

NOTHING is as it seems. Nothing. So much has been hidden from us. Sinaku... what have you done?

Avi 03/08/2022

"I wonder why Solquem hasn't been able to make it to her festival as of late. Maybe she found something that needed to be investigated further? I hope nothing has happened to her. But hey, she's Solquem, she'll make it out okay! Right?" 

Fae paced around the clearing, worrying himself with this dilemma. He hadn't been this distressed since Godfall. 

"Well, you can't stay in the jungle forever. Might as well go look for her. You need to get more sun anyway- how else will you recharge your power? Not that you use it. Oh well." 

After more debating, Fae whipped around and bounded through the trees. Guess he was doing this after all.

Avi 03/30/2022

Fun little fact! Some of the gods don't have heartbeats, or at least have slower ones! Specifically Sinaku has none. Sinaku doesn't have a heartbeat because her blood is God's Blood! As God’s Blood is a highly acidic substance, it should not be pumped through the body. It has a variety of capabilities, including blocking the use of divine ability. As long as the God’s Blood is not actively moving throughout the system, the god’s divine ability is available. 

There can be many reasons why a god would have the reaction activated. For reference, here is a list of causes for each god who is/was afflicted by the God’s Blood curse. 

Sinaku: Frequent and repetitive use of her power, stress, or heavy injury. All three can be present in some cases. 

Neram: Stress, anger. 

Orbit: Stress, anger, heavy injury. 

Midas (previously): Heavy injury, death, or overuse of power. 

Solquem (previously): Overuse of power, injury. 

Fae (previously): Overuse of power, injury, anger. 

Reikaru (previously): Overuse of power (foxfire 9), injury, anger. 

Corkscrew (previously): Overuse of power, death, injury. 

For those who no longer have the God’s Blood curse, they have found a way to recharge their power to avoid overuse. Through this, they have gradually cleared their system of God’s Blood, returned their heartbeat and returned their warmth. 

The Situr-Enui gods, though born of Sinaku’s shards, do not have the God’s Blood issue. It is unknown why.

Avi 04/03/2022

There have been many forgotten gods in the course of Aviatrum's history. Some forgotten due to taboo, some forgotten due to their disappearance. Either way, it is wise not to talk about them.

Avi 05/27/2022

Sinaku has made many enemies in her time, and I thought it'd be fun if I made a list of people who hate her (and the reason why they do) so here you go 

Hopefully doesn't reveal too much lore lol 

- Orbit: Eviction 

- Iverthorn: Bad bad breakup 

- Aeris: Childhood trauma 

- Sai: Tales of Aeris' childhood trauma 

- Ser: Sibling banishment 

- Sebastian: Banishment 

- Statue: Pure agony semi-caused by Sinaku 

- Nettle: Genocide 

- Kamui: Tales of her crimes 

- Epatho: General assholery 

- Heilos: Lore secrets/General assholery 

- Astrum: Tales of her crimes, as well as a personal vendetta 

- Kusho: Denial of food 

- Vessi: Correlation

Avi 06/22/2022

Infodumping about Ser cuz I usually overlook them, surprisingly there's a lot to them 

Also their birthday's coming up


Ser canonically doesn't know why Sebastian was banished (or at least not the entire truth) 


The angels that Sinaku created are essentially mini gods! Still have minor bits of power from her, but no special abilities aside from their alternative forms 


In the Godslayer AU, since I think of it as a videogame, Ser and Sebastian would probably be optional side bosses 


I have yet to draw Ser in their pilot uniform 


Ser keeps their eye covered, believing it's linked to their other form. In reality though, the form switch is triggered by an inherent need for it, or extreme emotions. They don't want to repeat Sebastian's 'mistakes' 


I plan for Ser to eventually learn the truth behind Sebastian's banishment in the Aviatrum storyline. They don't have the best relationship with Sinaku as of currently, so this is their breaking point, and they snap. This is reflected in their theme! Around 1:50 or so fits the event best 


Ser wasn't created nonbinary, and did transition! 


Ser used to help Sinaku preach as her "emissary" of sorts! Though they went their own way (Good for them) 


They're a great sculpter, craftsperson, and welder! They carved the Statue and forged Coldsteel themself. Ser also does airplane repairs from time to time, but prefers flying 


I (loosely) based their colors and patterning around a hawk, since I wanted to go with a more "air" theme rather than "biblically accurate angel" Gone are the days of simple coloring for them

Avi 08/08/2022

The gods of Aviatrum do draw some of their power from their element, but most is taken from the Original One. Their respective bit of power from Her is what powers them at their core. However, certain environmental effects can influence the amount of power they have, their health, and even their forms. 

For Iverthorn, snowstorms appear to refresh her. 

Aeris gets boosted power from supermoons, a form change during blood moons, and feels weakened during eclipses. 

Similarly with Solquem, she feels weakened during solar eclipses. During solar flares, she also flares up. 

Corkscrew can create and carry storms with him, so he gains some health benefit from them. 

Warsaw constantly feels the need to create chaos, and takes great pleasure in doing so, so I'm surprised he's been able to hold it off this long. 

However, Her power is dwindling. I fear what She will do to the gods in desperation. I feel that the only way to stop Her from doing so is- s̴͎̈ï̸̌l̵̏̂e̴̥̍n̷͌̈́c̷̒̿e̵͊͑ 

(The writing trails off here.)

Avi 08/24/2022

"Heru. Do you ever... question what came before us?" Ebim's gaze was unwavering as always. Days and days, months and years, all standing at this post. To protect a god they saw once or twice. 

"No. Well- yes, of course. I can't help but wonder. Not much else to think about." 

"Sebastian, right? Have you found out anything?" Heru tensed up at this comment. 

After a long moment, "Yes. And no. She told me to never mention him. Along with that, none of the gods will talk about him. Rift never said anything. Maybe Aeris or Warsaw, but... they don't come around anymore." 

"Hm. Well, there's your problem. You asked Her. If we want to discover anything, we'll have to search for the ones who know."

Ebim replied softly, eyes still fixed ahead of them. 

"Are you suggesting... leave our post? Sina- She would erase us. Especially now, since Rift... you know." Heru whispered through their teeth. 

"We don't have to be the ones. We can hire someone. Send a request for some money... and Pelilyn-" Ebim abruptly stopped. Watchful eyes.

Avi — 10/10/2022

Countdown 3 - Sinaku


Sinaku. You used to be able to create worlds and gods- what happened? Your own irresponsibility. Your own fear. You ignored your curse. You ignored your shrapnel. 

Why'd you shield yourself from the outside world? Nothing bad could come of it. Curled around your hearth, is that it? To protect your core? Oh, Sinaku. You knew it would not protect you. That cat is one clever creature, and you've gone and angered her. If only you hadn't erased the Crown of Thorns. You know all too well that what is coming is your own fault. 

And so, the stars rake your underbelly and spill your blood across the sky. 

One more dip, one more taste, and you will lose yourself. But what to do? You can't defend your world otherwise.

Avi 02/05/2023

Hmmmm, while I'm thinking about him-

Midas is one of the most powerful gods for a reason: He can pull some bs

Step 1: Change metal to a conductive element (he seems to prefer silver)
Step 2: Launch element at foe, or spread element over a large area
Step 3: Send out a JOLT of energy through the metal
Step 4: Profit