Mewch's Journal

Mewch's Journal - 1 

Antler Growths 

Edge of Esiku Woods

Avi — 01/14/2022

Mewch's Journal - 17 

Sometimes the wind sings. 

Tales of old, long past ages. 

It's beautiful, and sorrowful. 

I am sorry your age came and went.

Mewch's Journal - 7 

There's been... things... following the researchers out of the Tundra. 

Horrible, twisted things. 

Frozen agony.

Avi 02/07/2022

Mewch's Journal - 54 

There have been concerning earthquakes as of late. Luckily, nothing has been damaged, but a strange individual has joined the populous of Esiku... they say their name is Epatho. I sense something very off about this individual. 

He's hiding something. Where'd that collar come from? Why do I always see him wearing it? 

I'll have to investigate further.

Avi 02/09/2022

Mewch’s Journal - 55 

Oni knows nothing about him. I suppose I could ask Alti, though he is elusive. 

I haven’t been able to deduct anything from my own research. There hasn’t been any sketchy behavior from them, so at least their motives aren’t malicious. I know something is off though, I can’t quite say what yet, but something is very wrong. 

I wonder if one of the texts at the library can help as well. I think one of the excerpts was “Hwkrv, Sdwkrv, Orjrv”… shelf 3, row A-Z, was it?

Avi 05/10/2022

Mewch's Journal - 18 


You see, you hear all of it. It's real. It's all real. I'm sorry. 

You cannot trust her any longer. 

But still... do not go into the fog.

Avi 12/19/2022

In honor of me drawing Mewch (then probably not being able to work on the piece for a while), I decided that I'll go into the ghost system for today :)


Ghosts/spirits are confirmed to exist in Aviatrum, wowzaroo! Otherwise, what else would Mewch do?

Ghosts only form when the person who died left with unfinished business- the most common cases are due to murder. The ghost's power will rise with how angry it is.

For an example: Chip. Chip was assassinated a while ago, but isn't too mad about it. He's only sticking around to look after their business (and maybe knock something down when an employee messes up).

There are different types of ghosts depending on how they die. Used as an example again, Chip. Chip is missing his facial features. He was decapitated. Other design elements of his hint towards his whole story, but I'll let you figure that out :)

Ghosts are a rare sight to see nowadays, because of Aeris doing his job and them being invisible to most, but they're definitely still around! Not many believe in them though.