Airborne Life

Fyrix are friendly birds, often used for companionship on long journeys. They emit a natural heat, making them useful in tundra exploration.

They're mostly found in the forests around Nuhaeo.

Sekuravera are also known as "terror birds". Similar to seagulls, except this time they have body counts.

Luckily for you, they mostly only eat skyfish! Their feathers and fur light up when near the phosphor of skyfish.

Their feathers/fur shed naturally, making them useful for Heliotakuwa (Solquem's festival).

Skyfish are friendly creatures found gliding throughout Aviatrum. The eyes on the bottom of the wings are fake, used to ward off predators from below. The phosphor pouch below their chins emits a soft glow!

Skyfish sashimi is a delicacy, though some do keep Skyfish as pets.

Males have tassels, while females don't! If a Skyfish was born without them, and chooses to identify as male, they will develop the fin tassels! Goes the other way around too.

The pinnacle of pain, frigasps are a subspecies of wasp suited to the cold. And, of course, if that wasn't enough, they have a worse sting. No, they don't drop their stinger.

These can stay far away from me.

Moonbirds are LARGE aerial creatures. They are large enough to carry a being with ease, so they can be used for private aviation. Though mainly docile, nesting pairs are extremely territorial. These birds are not seen as pets often, as the cost of care is steep, but it's rather rewarding when one does manage to tame them.