The Far and Divine

Avi 02/15/2022

The Situr-Enui gods are shrouded in mystery. It's unknown how they were created, if created, and they are said to rival Sinaku in power. 

Two of these gods could end our world if unleashed. It's unknown what their motives are. Though, it's said that the nature god is the one who fights against them. They're such old legends, no one really knows. 

(Property of the Aetrus militia. Do not redistribute.)

Avi 02/17/2022

Delving further into these old tales, I have discovered more. It appears that this nature god had shattered one of the gods. There were four in total... the nature god, the drifter, the imprisoned, and the shattered. These pieces should still be out there somewhere. Though, this nature god must've had a reason for this. 

I wonder where the shards are now. What do they even look like? Most likely something to do with the sun. This god seems... sun-based.

Avi 02/18/2022

I do not believe the shattered god died from this. 

They may still be out there today. 

Epatho has been oddly curious about my research. He insists that the "unnamed nature god" is called "Noguma". He expresses a dislike for her. They're unsure about the shattered god, but claim they seem familiar. 

Epatho has been... a great help, so far. Despite his nonexistent knowledge of modern technology- who doesn't know what a phone is?

Avi 02/19/2022

The shattered god either doesn't remember or doesn't care about being a god. Epatho says "He's always been laid back, wouldn't worry about him" 

How do they know this? You know, now that I'm thinking about it, Epatho just showed up here. Where did he come from? What's with the collar? I have a lot more questions about my roommate.

"Oh my god they were roommates"

Avi — 02/27/2022

"I found this old carving on the base of the Ronglep statue. Any ideas what it could mean?"

(Hints to this)

(Apologies for horrendous formatting, the site does not allow me to fix it)

Avi 03/05/2022

"Soon, soon, soon! 

It'll finally be soon, it'll finally be time!" Something deep within him sang. He had been finding these pieces of sunstone all over the world. Shops, fields... there had to be thousands of them. But something told him that there were not many left. He could repair his fractured power. 

And nothing excited him more.

Cairuk 06/05/2022

> And for your late fee 


  "I found this old carving on the base of the Ronglep statue. Any ideas what it could mean?"


Heya, your friendly neighborhood Cairuk here! Seems like you guys had trouble with this one, so I'll try and translate it for you. 

Hm, let's see... ah yes, this is Xe'lan! A very old language, used in Situr-Enui, mostly in the Inhej-Ronglep region. 

This translates to... "When the sky bleeds, she will shatter her stone and save us all." 

Ooh, nice and ominous! Seems almost like a prophecy! How fun. 

Don't question how I know this

Avi 08/07/2022

OH I remember what I was gonna post now 


-the dragon has crashed into the Ronglep residences. It is believed that they were incapacitated during the severe thunderstorms in the Situr region that were occurring throughout this past week. The dragon has not confirmed their identity, seeing as they are unconscious, but it is believed to be one of the old gods, one of the dragons that survived the Great Plague. 

The architectural damage caused by the dragon is... severe. The Situr-Enui militia is sending out teams, to help alleviate the now-homeless residents of Ronglep. It is unknown how long the repairs will take-

Avi 08/16/2022

The dragon didn't want this. The thing that caused his existence. They rejected this label, this duty. Too much work. Great expectations. And so he tried to rid himself of this label- through any means necessary. But no matter what they tried, nothing could relieve him of their duty. Rage built. And he realized, that the only true way to free themself- was to kill Her. Rip the shard out of himself. But what this would require, the price paid- would end their life. And so, he dreamt. And they continue dreaming.

Keep dreaming, little dragon. The Dreamwatcher will have your head, unless you decide to help your blood. Your sister needs you.

Avi — 08/18/2022

Avi 10/12/2022

Countdown 2 - Noguma


Entombed in stone, you wait. It's been centuries, now. You missed the plague. Where were you then? Why do you think you can stop the sky from splitting? 

All in all, you are too late anyway. You'd always be too late in the end. 

And now, you beg your brother for his help. But he rejected his divinity long ago. He stays dreaming. You believe there is nothing you can do on your own, going up against the constellations, but there is so much. 

It only depends on what you do now.

Avi 02/14/2023

How's about some Cordy loredy


Medical Case File No. 34

A lone child came to our hospital early in the morning on XX.XX.1508, complaining of pain.

However, when we took our scans, we found that they were abnormal in several different ways, having advanced cellular decomposition, sickle cell, and more. Somehow, they had survived this long--

Avi 02/15/2023

Medical Case File No. 34

We've named the child "Corey". While they are bedridden most of the time, they've taken to helping out around the hospital.

We haven't found any family or relatives. We've had to perform surgery on Corey a few times, mostly to correct deformities. We have them on a couple medications, to prevent against the state they came here in, but we don't know how long they're going to last--