Fox Hunt

Fox Hunt was the greatest display of my hubris. I've been purposefully avoiding it because of the magnitude of its downfall.

Fox Hunt was an aspiring graphic novel.

You'd think I would learn from my previous follies, but no.
I lost motivation way too quickly, and the graphic novel died before even the first page.

I'm not going to revive it. Pretty much all the characters are gone, I forgot where the story was headed and never wrote it down, and just don't have the motivation with Aviatrum going on.

R.I.P. Bluejay, Miht, Grandma Bear, Queen Carbon, Acai, Cinder, Queen Magma, and pretty much all The Ancients. You might be missed.



Shapeshifter. Has a form for every eye they have (Currently at 38). When they're wounded, they are able to heal themself- but all they regenerate are eyes and some muscle.