Close Reading & Rhetorical Analysis

Close Reading & Writing Rhetorical Analysis Essays

Things to consider when doing Close Reading.

Who is the author? Who is the intended audience? What was the purpose?

Procedure: Read the passage and underline/highlight/note what "pops" for you. Then ask, why did this stand out for you. You will write about what pops for you and analyze WHY and HOW the author used it in their writing.

Things to consider when you Close Read:

Language (word choice, vocab)

Syntax (grammar, word order, intent of words)

Structure (paragraphs, repetitions, how sections were created, use of rhetorical questions to introduce or end)

Attitude/Tone of the passage


Figures of Speech (metaphors, similes, etc - DO NOT merely identify them, tell WHY they were used)

3 Arguments

Emotional Argument (use of passion, anger, love, etc) [pathos]

Logical Argument (use of reason) [logos]

Authoritative Argument (citing experts, celebrities, the Bible or Koran, mother, president, etc.) [ethos]

Language Registers or Diction
Language Register Video

The above list is not a checklist. Write about what "popped" for you and WHY. Explain how and why the author made these rhetorical choices. Don't look for something. Just explain what popped.

See Infograph