Chicago 2 Assignment - The Perfect College

The Perfect College

Whether you are going to school next year or not, you have in your mind what would be the perfect school for you to attend. (If you are not attending next year, you might have better insight to this situation than those who are because you have thought about it and decided not to go.) Describe the ideal school setting for you. Which schools meet those requirements (or do not). What are you looking for? What would be perfect for you?

Cite at least five different sources using at least ten citations. At least 4 sources must be published in the current year. Use Chicago Author-Date format.

You are free to use any source you deem appropriate. (They must pass the CRAAP test.) You must use at least ONE print source. (Remember - all print sources have page numbers.) I recommend you use Contemporary Colleges and Universities: A Reader, with which you are already familiar for your print source. I also recommend you cite university websites.
Some related sources.

Post all drafts on your webpage. Also submit in Turn It In in Schoology.

Requirements: NO Jane Shaffer 5-paragraph essays. (You still need transitions, topic sentences, concrete details, and commentaries - just not in the Shaffer formulaic order.)

Attributes of an excellent essay:

* Create an argument that is independent of any provided source.

* Evaluate your chosen sources. Do not just cite them. (Criticize, Discuss, Praise)

*Compare your schools with each other. Evaluate them.

* You need a Foil.

* Write in a good, academic, confident tone.

Draft 1 due Friday, Oct. 15 (for peer review)

Draft 2 due Friday, Oct 22. (100 pts.)

Draft 3