15 minute reading

Reading Period

The AP® Exam in your subject has a reading period in the free-response section and we want your students to use it to their full advantage.
Eight AP Exams — Biology, English Language and Composition, European History, Latin, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, U.S. History, and World History — have a 10- or 15-minute reading period in Section II.
Making the Most of the Reading Period
Here's how the reading period works and how we think it can help:

The time allotted for the reading period is part of the overall Section II timing.

The reading period gives students time to read the questions and any related sources and documents (if applicable) and to plan their responses.

We strongly encourage students to take full advantage of this time, and we think this will lead to thoughtful, well-organized responses.

However, should students choose to begin writing their response before the reading period is over, they are free to do so.

As always, thank you for playing a critical role in helping your students get ready for the exam.
Advanced Placement Program