A new beginning for Antarctica

In 2050, thanks to great conservation efforts by humanity, Antarctica has become the largest strictly protected area of the world, compromising its continental and oceanic portions. 

The Free-Antarctica International Treaty (FAIT2050), stipulated by the most important states of Earth,  has the purpose to protect the uniqueness of antarctic habitats but also study the process of deglaciation and natural recolonization of life forms. Every access is forbidden, except for highly monitored and controlled scientific expeditions.

In 2200, a revisitation of the treaty brings even more restricting laws: any type of direct human presence on the antarctic continent becomes severely prohibited. Scientific expeditions are carried out by using advanced drones and rovers, due to the risk of the introduction of alien species.  

At that time, at least 30 species of complex organisms were indirectly introduced to Antarctica without being eradicated, mostly comprising plants, lichens and several species of invertebrates. 

But this is just the beginning of a long story... an antarctic chronicle