Curriculum vitae of A. Teta

Personal data

Academic Affiliation: Dipartimento di Matematica ''G. Castelnuovo'', Sapienza Universita' di Roma,

P.le A. Moro, 5  -  00185 Roma, Italy

Phone: (39) 06 49913153

E-mail: teta at


1985 Laurea in Physics, University of Napoli, Advisor: Prof. R. Figari

1989 Ph.D. in Mathematical Physics, S.I.S.S.A. Trieste,  Advisor: Prof. G. Dell'Antonio


1990-1991  Postdoctoral fellow, Ruhr-Universitat  Bochum, supervisor: Prof. S. Albeverio

1992-1999  Researcher in Mathematical Physics, University of Roma "La Sapienza" 

1999-2012  Associate Professor in Mathematical Physics, Universita' di L'Aquila

2013-2019  Associate Professor in Mathematical Physics, Sapienza Universita' di Roma

2019-         Full professor in Mathematical Physics, Sapienza Universita' di Roma

Research interests

Effective behavior of inhomogeneous media.

Mathematical problems in Quantum Mechanics: scattering theory, spectral analysis,  Schroedinger operators with zero-range interactions, nonlinear Schroedinger equation,  effective equations for systems of infinite quantum particles, classical limit, decoherence, models of cloud chamber.

Historical and foundational aspects of Quantum Mechanics.


Academic activities

Universita’ “La Sapienza” di Roma: 

member of Senato Accademico Integrato from June 1993 to October 1999.

Universita’ di L’Aquila: 

member of the committee for the re-organization of the Degree in Mathematics (3+2), 

member of  the ''Commissione Internazionalizzazione della Facolta’ di Scienze MM.FF.NN.''  up to 2008,

member of the  ''Commissione per i  Requisiti di Qualita’' of  the Degree in Mathematics from 2008 to 2011,

chairman of the committee of the Dipartimento di Matematica Pura e Applicata responsible for coordinating the "Valutazione della Qualita` della Ricerca 2004-2010" from December 2011 to May 2012.

Sapienza Universita' di Roma:

member of the committee ''sedute di laurea'' from March 2013 to february 2015,

member of the committee for the interdisciplinary seminars ''Matematica, scienza e societa'', 2016-2018,

member of the Commissione Didattica of the Department from November 2017 to November 2020,

member of the Collegio di Dottorato in Mathematics from March 2019 to March 2022,

member of the Commissione di Programmazione Scientifica of the Department from July 2021. 


member of the Commissione per Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale for settore concorsuale 01/A4 - Fisica Matematica.




Societa Italiana di Storia delle Matematiche 

International Association of Mathematical Physics

International Research Center on Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems.


Institut fur Mathematik, University of Bochum 

Institut fur Physik,  University of Bielefeld

Escuela Politecnica Superior, University Carlos III,  Madrid

S.I.S.S.A., Trieste

Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris

Doppler Institute for Mathematical Physics,  Prague

Mathematisches Institut, Ludwig-Maximilians University of  Munchen

Center for Mathematical Sciences Research, Rutgers

Institut fur Angewandte Mathematik, University of Bonn

Gakushuin University of Tokyo

Invited talks in conferences

Trieste - Workshop on Point Interactions, December 21-23, 1992.

Vietri sul mare - Problemi Attuali di Fisica Teorica, March 28-April 3, 1996.

Napoli - Argomenti in Fisica Teorica, October 7-8, 1996.

Bonn - Schroedinger Operators, September 22-25, 1998.

Lund - Conference on Analysis and Mathematical Physics, August 16-20, 1999.

Stoccolma - Differential Equations and Applications,  June 18-22, 2000.

Teulada (Cagliari) - Dynamical Systems: Classical, Quantum, Stochastic, September 23-30, 2000.

Arcidosso - Determinism, Holism and Complexity, September 3-8, 2001.

Trieste - Quantum Entropies: Dynamics and Information, December 12-14, 2001.

Bielefeld - The Direction of Time, January 14-18, 2002.

Otranto - Dynamical Systems: Classical, Quantum and Stochastic, September 14-19, 2002.

Martina Franca - Imaging (scuola C.I.M.E.), September 15-21, 2002.

Roma (Accademia dei Lincei) - Multiscale Methods In Quantum Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, December 16-20, 2002.

Vietri sul mare - Problemi attuali di Fisica Teorica, April 16, 2003.

L'Aquila - Dispersive equations in Mathematical Physics, September 25-27, 2003.

Oberwolfach - Entanglement and Decoherence: Mathematics and Physics of Quantum Information and Computation,  January 24-28, 2005.

Paris - Nonlinear spectral problems and mean field models, Inst. H. Poincare,  April 4-8, 2005.

Bologna - Semiclassical analysis and mathematical quantum mechanics,  March 9-11, 2006.

Wroclaw - XXI Max Born Symposium "Mathematical Problems in Nonrelativistic Quantum Dynamics",  June 26-28, 2006.

Arcidosso - Fondamenti delle scienze: settorializzazione e unitarieta' della conoscenza,  September 6-8, 2007.

Pisa - Mechanics, mathematical physics and foundations of mathematics in the 18th and 19th Centuries, July 7-12, 2008.

Zurich - Open Systems: Non-equilibrium Phenomena, Dissipation, Decoherence, Transport, June 8-12, 2009.

London  - 7th International ISAAC Congress, Imperial College,  July 13-18, 2009.

Tsaghkadzor (Armenia) - Probabilistic and analytical methods in mathematical physics, September 7-14, 2009.

Milano - Three dispersive days,  November 11-13, 2009.

Montecatini - Assemblea Scientifica G.N.F.M., March 3-5, 2011.

Yerevan (Armenia) - Stochastic and analytical methods in mathematical physics, September 2-9, 2012.

Pisa - Dispersive PDEs: Models and Dynamics, September 18-20, 2013. 

Toulouse - Modelling and Numerics for Quantum Systems, September 2-4, 2015. 

Roma (INdAM) - Contemporary Trends in the Mathematics of Quantum Mechanics, July 4-8, 2016.

Torino - Recent trends in the analysis of spectral problems and applications, September 15-16, 2016. 

Trieste - Trieste Quantum Days, S.I.S.S.A., February 20-24, 2017.

Catania - Advances in Mathematics for Technology, October 9-11, 2017.

Napoli - The many aspects of Low Energy Physics, November 27, 2017.

Stockholm - Albeverio Fest, September 30 - October1, 2018,

Verona - Random transformations and invariance in stochastic dynamics, 25-29 marzo 2019.

Hagen - On mathematical aspects of interacting systems in low dimension, 24-27 giugno 2019.

Chongqing - Advances in Kinetic Theory, 14-18 ottobre 2019.

L'Aquila - Statistical and Quantum Mechanics: reconsidering their foundations on the basis of new cutting-edge experiments and theoretical models, G.S.S.I.  20-24 settembre 2021.

Milano - Three months of Quantum Mechanics in Milano, Workshop I, Dipartimento di Matematica del Politecnico, 7-11 marzo 2022.

Toulouse - Numerical and theoretical advances in quantum mechanics, 16-20 gennaio 2023.

Marrakech - International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Physics, April 24-28, 2023.

Palermo - Functional analysis and Quantum Physics, June 5-9, 2023.

Invited talks in Italy

Roma ``La Sapienza'' (Dip. Matematica), Trieste (S.I.S.S.A.), Firenze (Dip. Fisica), 

Roma Tre (Dip. Matematica), Cassino (Facolta di Ingegneria), L'Aquila (Dip. Matematica), 

Pescara (Facolta di Economia), Bologna (Dip. Matematica), Milano (Dip. Matematica), 

Milano Bicocca (Dip. Matematica), Cosenza (Dip. Matematica), Trieste (Dip. Fisica), 

Torino Politecnico (Dip. Matematica), Napoli “Federico II” (Dip. Matematica), Roma Tor Vergata (Dip. Matematica). 

Activity as co-organizer of conferences

Capri - Advances in Dynamical Systems and Quantum Physics, 1993

Marseille - Complex Systems: Classical and Quantum Aspects, 1994

Trieste - Workshop on Singular Schroedinger Operators, 29 settembre-1 ottobre 1994.

Bielefeld - Classical and Quantum Evolution: Deterministic and Stochastic, 1995

Trieste - Semiclassical Limit of Quantum Mechanics and NL Schroedinger Equation, 1998

Modena -  Problemi Matematici in Meccanica Quantistica, 18-20 dicembre, 2003.

Bressanone -  School  on Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics,  2005

Firenze - Mathematical modeling and numerical analysis of quantum systems with applications to nanosciences, 16 dicembre 2005.

Modena - Metodi e Problemi Matematici in Meccanica Quantistica, 5-7 ottobre 2006.

Bressanone - Second school on  Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics,  2007

Roma - Multiscale analysis for quantum systems and applications,  2007.

Napoli - Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics,  2008.

Bressanone - Third school  on Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics, 2009.

Bressanone - Fourth school  on Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics, 2011.

L'Aquila - Meccanica Quantistica e dintorni, March 22-23, 2012.

Frascati - Trails in Quantum Mechanics and Surroundings, 29 gennaio - 2 febbraio 2013. 

Milano - IperMiB 2013: 15th Italian Meeting on Hyperbolic Equations, 11-13 settembre 2013. 

Como - Trails in Quantum Mechanics and Surroundings, 8-10 luglio 2015. 

Bressanone - Mathematical Challenges in Quantum Mechanics, 7-13 febbraio 2016.

Trieste - Trails in Quantum Mechanics and Surroundings, 29-30 gennaio 2018.

Roma - Mathematical Challenges in Quantum Mechanics, 19-24 febbraio 2018.

Pavia - Sezione di Fisica Matematica del XXI Congresso UMI, 2-7 settembre 2019.

Roma - Meccanica Quantistica e dintorni, 7-8 novembre 2019.

Trieste - Trails in Quantum Mechanics and Surroundings, 8-10 febbraio 2023.

Referee activity

Annales Institut H. Poincar\'e - Physique Theorique, Bollettino dell'U.M.I., Communication in Computational Physics, Communication in Mathematical Physics, Communication in Pure and Applied Analysis, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - series A, Europhysics Letters, International Journal of Control, Journal of Functional Analysis, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, Journal of Physics. A: Mathematical and General, Journal of Statistical Physics, Kinetic and Related Models, Letters in Mathematical Physics, Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems, Mathematische Nachrichten,  Moscow mathematical journal, Physics Letters A, Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico di Padova, Communications in Mathematical Sciences..


Research projects

Research project of ''Sapienza 2020'', coordinator D. Monaco.

Research project of ''Sapienza 2021'', coordinator G. Panati.

Research project of ''Sapienza 2022'', coordinator A. Teta.

PRIN  2022, coordinator D. Noja.


- Universita' ''La Sapienza''

1991/92 - 1998/99  exercises of Meccanica Razionale.

- Universita' di L'Aquila

1999/00 - 2012/13  Meccanica Razionale, Meccanica Classica e Analitica, Equazioni della Fisica Matematica, Fisica Matematica 1.

- Sapienza Universita' di Roma

2012/13 - 2012/14  Calcolo Integrale per Informatica (3cfu), Calcolo e Biostatistica per Biologia, Istituzioni di Fisica Matematica (3 cfu).

2014/15  Fisica Matematica Superiore, Meccanica Razionale per matematici.

2015/16  Meccanica Razionale per matematici, Meccanica Razionale per fisici.

2016/17  Meccanica Razionale per matematici, Meccanica Razionale per fisici.

2017/18  Meccanica Razionale per matematici, Fisica Matematica Superiore.

2018/19  Fisica Matematica per matematici, Mathematical Physics per fisici.

2019/20  Fisica Matematica, Mathematical Physics per fisici.

2020/21  Fisica Matematica, Fisica Matematica Superiore.

2021/22 Fisica Matematica, Metodi Matematici in Meccanica Quantistica.

2022/23  Fisica Matematica.

Other cultural activities

- Caffe' Matematici a Villa Mercede,   Roma, 17 aprile  2009  

Coordinator of the public discussion between  S. Doplicher and  M. Dorato on  "Mondo quantistico e conoscenza".

- Limonaia di Palazzo Ruschi, Pisa, 14 ottobre  2011

Speaker, together with L. Fronzoni, at the presentation of the book "Modelli e realta': una riflessione sulle nozioni di spazio e tempo", by  V. Benci and  P. Freguglia.

- Facolta di Scienze dell'Universita di L'Aquila, 21 marzo 2012

Organizer of the meeting  "Modelli e Realta'", with contributions of  V. Benci, P. Freguglia, A. Teta, G. Dell'Antonio.

- Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila 5 ottobre 2015

Speaker, together with  F. Laudisa and  M. Morganti, at the meeting "I mattoni dell'universo: la concezione quantistica del mondo".

- Politecnico di Torino, Torino 14 settembre 2016

Seminar on "Meccanica Quantistica e mondo macroscopico" for students of the Summer School of Mathematics AlfaClass, Project Diderot.

- Fossanova, 11 aprile 2018

Seminar on "Aspetti della descrizione quantistica del mondo microscopico" for teachers of the high school, Project "I Lincei per una nuova didattica nella scuola".

From a.s.  2019-20 member of the organizing committee of the Polo di Latina for the project  ''I Lincei per la Scuola''.