<<< VS CODE e.g.

public class GenericClass<T>


    private T data;

    public GenericClass(T data)


        this.data = data;


    public T GetData()


        return data;



You can use this generic class with different types:

GenericClass<int> intGeneric = new GenericClass<int>(42);

GenericClass<string> stringGeneric = new GenericClass<string>("Hello, World!");

int intValue = intGeneric.GetData();

string stringValue = stringGeneric.GetData();

2. Generic Methods: Similar to generic classes, you can define generic methods that accept type parameters. Here's an example:

public T GenericMethod<T>(T input)


    return input;


You can call this method with various data types:

int intResult = GenericMethod(42);

string stringResult = GenericMethod("Hello, World!");

3. Constraints: You can add constraints to type parameters to restrict the types that can be used with a generic class or method. For example, you can specify that a type parameter must implement a specific interface or have a default constructor.

public class GenericClass<T> where T : IComparable


    // This class can only work with types that implement IComparable.


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