Wilson Schools Weekly Newsletter

Weeks of December 2, 2019

FOX News

Happy Friday Dragons!

The end of the first semester is quickly approaching! For our seventh through 12th graders we have implemented incentive days. The incentive days are based on a set of criteria.

To be excused from a final:

1. Student should be on their white (the first) conduct card.

2. Student has to have less than five absences in any one class.

3. If both the first criteria are met, then

a. Student with an A in a class and four or fewer absences will be exempt from that class's final.

b. If a student has three absences, they can have a class grade as low as a B.

If a you have a C in the class you are required to take the final.

Students will also have the option to take a final even if they’re not required to if they want to raise their grade. If the students choose to take the final even though they are not required to, their final can only help them it will not lower their grade.

The students that earn the incentive and are exempt from finals are still required to attend school on Wednesday, December 18 and Thursday, December 19 and there will be things planned for them to do.

For those who DO NOT have to take finals: On Wednesday, those exempt from finals will have activities in Salina as reward. On Thursday there will be things planned here at school.

The finals schedule for the seventh and eighth graders are as follows:

1. Finals will be two class periods long.

2. On Wednesday, the 18th students will take finals in first hour, third hour and seventh hour. Fifth hour is reading and they will have that time to study for finals on Thursday.

3. Thursday finals in second hour, fourth hour, sixth hour and eighth hour will be given.

Our junior high Dragon basketball team had home games last night. Congratulations junior high Dragons on your victories! High school Dragon basketball has their first games tonight, as they travel to Otis bison. Good luck Dragons! Win or lose make us proud!

Check the Google Calendar for Upcoming Dragon Events!

What happened in Wilson Schools this week?

  • Junior high school basketball teams hosted Chase-Raymond Bulldogs on Thursday.
  • The WHS basketball teams kick off their season against the Otis-Bison Cougars.
  • The 5th grade - high school music concert was held on Tuesday in the Wilson Gym.
  • Both the JV and Varsity scholar's bowl team competed in separate tournaments this week.
  • The 5th grade finished their season at StarBASE in Salina. Great strides were made by all who attended!!
  • Music students will be attending District Choir at FHSU on Saturday.

Wilson Schools 5th - High School Winter Music Concert

The Winter Concert was held on Tuesday, December 3, 2019, to a large crowd. Performances were done by:

  • 5th Grade Band
  • 6th Grade Band
  • 5th Grade Vocal
  • 5th Grade with JH/HS Band
  • 6th Grade Vocal
  • JH/HS Band
  • HS Vocal and Piano
  • JH/HS Band
  • JH Choir

Jr. High Dragons Victorious Against Chase/Raymond

The Junior Dragons have played six games so far this season. Next action will be at Sylvan on Thursday, December 12.

Christmas STEM Activities in Kindergarten

Students spent time this week building gingerbread houses in Kindergarten.

We can't wait for next week...

Jr. High JV Basketball Tourney to be Saturday, December 14

The Jr. High Wilson Dragon junior varsity basketball team will play in Solomon. Teams involved in the tournament are Solomon Gorillas, Wilson Dragons, Ell-Saline Cardinals, and Herington Railers.

The boys will play at Solomon High School at 8:30 and 10:30 AM.

The girls will play at Solomon High School at 9:30 and 11:30 AM.