Prom: Under the Tuscan Sun 

By: Isabella Seechan 

6 May 2024 

On Friday, May 3rd, 2024, University Preparatory High School (UPHS) held its annual prom. The location of this year’s prom was the Merryman Station, located in Exeter. Around 5 PM, students headed to the Porterfield House Gym to check in, meet their friends, take some pre-prom pictures, and get in the queue for the two buses transporting students to the venue. The bus departed the school sometime around 6 PM.

After a 25-minute bus ride, students and chaperones finally arrived at the Merryman Station. The Merryman Station, a rustic building composed of brick and wood, sat nestled between fields of orange trees and luscious green hills. Fairy lights blanketed the stairway and ramp railings leading to the building’s glass entrance. Later, as the sun set, the lights came aglow and provided a sense of magic in the atmosphere. However, taking it back to the beginning of the night, students were greeted by Mrs. Becerra at the door. Students passed by a table full of refreshments set up for them as they made their way to their tables. Students had the opportunity to snack, explore more outside, and take more pictures! Dinner followed shortly after and then…the real party began! 

The photo booth opened up as well as the dance floor and students showed their awesome dance moves on the floor. “The dance playlist was different compared to other dances [that I have attended], but Prom definitely exceeded my expectations,” said Princes Psyrylle Cabute, a Junior at UPHS, “The food was amazing and I enjoyed the ice cream after dinner! Overall, I would say I had a lot of fun and my friends definitely helped make my first prom experience better.” Students seemed to enjoy this year’s prom. They danced and sang their hearts out on the dance floor and made some memories they will forever cherish for the rest of their lives!