Promotion & Tenure
Regents Policy on Faculty Tenure: Section 7.12
Section 7.12 of the Faculty Tenure is a part of the Regents Policy in order to pursue promotion/tenure as a faculty member at the University of Minnesota. To better understand the section and policies in place, please go to the Academic Affairs & Provost: Promotion and Tenure.
View the Department of Educational Psychology's approved 7.12 Regents policy.
The University of Minnesota has a standard CV template available for use through the Provost's Office.
Associate professor review procedures
To understand the procedure for reviewing candidates for tenure and/or promotion in educational psychology, please read the following document:
The Department of Educational Psychology reviews each associate professor during the fourth year in rank, and every four years thereafter, until the faculty member is promoted to full professor.
Post-tenure review procedures
As part of the due-process system for faculty review, the Department of Educational Psychology has adopted the policy below for post-tenure review, according to requirements of the University of Minnesota’s tenure code.
Contract faculty review and promotion guidelines
This document describes the departmental criteria and standards used for the annual review and promotion of contract faculty within the Department of Educational Psychology.
Educational Psychology Policies and Procedures Concerning Contract Faculty Review and Promotion
Promotion & Tenure Contacts
If you have questions related to promotion & tenure, please contact: Rochelle Hammer, department administrator or the Department Chair
For questions on process, also contact CEHD HR Director Yvonne Lind or review additional CEHD Promotion & Tenure information.