Sexual Health

Find more online sexual health resources check out TWU Campus Well

The first step in all sexual activity is CONSENT. Consent is ENTHUSIASTIC!, On Going, and Safe.

More information on consent can be found here: 


Get consent each and every time.

Consent sounds like Moira Rose saying "My answer is yes, a vociferous yes!"

Spring 2025 FRee STD Testing

Location: Student Health Services (Jones Hall) Denton Campus.

Not in Denton? Check out this STD Testing Locator:

STD Testing Site Locator: 

STD's (also referred to as STI's) can be transmitted by vaginal, anal, or oral sex.
Anyone who is sexually active can get an STD.

Using condoms, or other barrier methods such as dental dams, can help prevent STD's. 

TWU Student Health Services can do STD testing for students.

We also partner with Denton County Public Health for FREE STD Testing dates.

External Condoms:
Condoms can help prevent pregnancy &/or STD's when used consistently & correctly. 

Condom Checklist:

Latex-free options, such as polyurethane condoms are available for anyone with a latex allergy.

*Do not use if you use the Ring for birth control. 

For more benefits, including effective rates visit:

FAQ's About FC2:

Barrier Methods for oral sex:

It's important to use barrier methods such as a flavored condom or dental dam for oral sex. 

If you are allergic to latex, you can take a latex free (polyurethane) condom and follow these steps:

Text description above
Gonorrhea is developing resistance to the antibiotics we use to treat it. Use barrier methods to prevent the spread of Gonorrhea and other STD's.

For more information on HIV, please visit our page: HIV

If you are aware of online resources that would be helpful to fellow students, please email us at or direct message us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram: @HealthyTWU