Time Management

For more online resources about Time Management check out TWU Campus Well

Set Boundaries. Now's the time to get good at them.

Set Boundaries

Communicate with yourself

Be honest with yourself about your time

Keep others in the loop

Learn the art of "no" - we know, it's hard, we get it!

Practice self-care

Spend quality time vs quantity time with others

Ask for help

Remember, less is more! You have a lot of roles, so if you notice you are dropping things, that's a notice that you're doing too much. Prioritize your time.

TWU Students can access TAO for FREE!

Check out TAO's resources for Time Management at:


To create an accont, click "Register" and set up an account with your TWU email!


Find ways to stay organized and map out your time. One recommendation is the Urgent/Important matrix. Sounds tricky, but it's a good way to figure out and prioritize your tasks.

Urgent/Important = DO RIGHT AWAY
Not Urgent/Important = Important things coming up, schedule & plan these as much as possible! (Ex. test you have in 2 weeks)
Urgent/Not Important = Things that should be attended to, but maybe you you don't classify as "important". Try delegating some of these tasks if you can.
Not Urgent/Not Important = Things you want to be aware of, but they don't have to be done right now and are low priority.

Use this as your guide and tasks can move throughout the matrix.

To-do List Templates:

Here are some templates you can download to help keep you organized! You can write in the boxes, or they are formatted to fit post-it note size.

To-Do List 1.pdf
To-Do List 2.pdf
To-Do List Rainbow.pdf

Checklist Templates

Use these to keep track of what you have coming up!

Task List.pdf
Online Course Checklist.pdf
Upcoming Checklist.pdf

TWU Resources:

Pioneer Center for Student Excellence: https://twu.edu/pioneer-center/

TAO: https://us.taoconnect.org/login
Search: Time Management

If you are aware of online resources that would be helpful to fellow students, please email us at healthpromotion@twu.edu or direct message us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram: @HealthyTWU