Nutrition Program

Nutrition Program! 1. Learn about the updated Nutrition Facts Label.2.Know about MyPlate resources.3.Learn about the great resources on campus.4.Prepare easy roll with pantry staples.5.Know resources, such as apps, that can help with recipes based on items you already have in the pantry. Graphic source: Canva

Nutrition Program (Spring 2020)

This Nutrition Program would help you to make better food choices with the latest information from the Nutritional Facts Label. Also, MyPlate launched an app called "Start Simple" to make easier a healthy eating from your phone!

1.Nutrition Facts Labels

Why is it important to understand what food labels are saying to us? Food labels help us make quick, informed decisions to help us choose a healthy diet. Learn which are the four important updates that were made by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This is the last major update in over 20 years. The new design would also contributed to make easier the decision making at the grocery store.

2. MyPlate resources

What is MyPlate? It a way to build a healthy eating style. It provides a colorful visual tool with the 5 food groups. The new MyPlate app is an easy to use  tool and it   helps to make positive changes in your life. MyPlate offerts tips, ideas, and a MyPlate kitchen, a place full of recipes.

3. Resources on campus

EatWell is a great resource for students in all three Texas Woman's University campuses. It provides important information about food choices, how to grocery shop, and tips on how to make positive changes improve overall health. The goal is to prioritize the health and wellbeing of Texas Woman's University students.

Copy of Go Slow and Whoa_New Year Kick Start.docx
How to grocery shop for the week-handout.docx

4. Prepare easy mayo rolls

Learn to prepare easy mayo rolls with pantry staples. There are many bread recipes without yeast. This is one is simple to prepare, quick, and ready in minutes!

Nutrition Program! There are several resources online if you need to find new recipes or ideas with the pantry staples you have at home. My favorite is an app called Supercook. I like it because you can select the ingredients you have and it gives you a selection of recipes, and also it has the nutritious content.-Karina, HP intern. @healthytwu. Source: Canva

5. Resources

Sometimes we look our pantry and we run out of ideas for recipes. I found this app called SuperCook that if you add which ingredients you have, it gives you all the possible recipes and their nutritious value. - Karina, HP intern