Area and Space

The classroom space needs to be optimal for learning. But what is this optimal learning? It is everything else - the light, the layout and design, the temperatue, the ventilation, it is the flexibility in the use of space.

We can improve this by:

  • being FLEXIBLE - think about all of the different ways you could change the seating throughout the day to maximise the different learning and communication needs of the young people for that task? (add casters to chairs and tables, or rugs!)

  • grouping students effectively - depending on the need, expectations and outcomes

  • including different learning zones - clearly identified

  • having different seating - beanbags, rugs, big cushions etc

  • decluttering! - clutter is distracting

  • clever storage - organised storage is essential but too many cupboards can take up too much space

  • thinking about ventilation - is there any? Is this creating too much dust and allergies?

  • thinking about the temperature - can it be controlled with a thermostat? If not, how can you manage it? Classrooms need to be cool but comfortable - can you use blinds or external shading?

  • thinking about how much natural light we can maximise on (whilst balancing the temperature control) - not putting displays on the windows or blocking the windows with objects/furniture etc

  • controling the glare from the windows - blinds can add control whilst allowing light to come in