
Mnemonic devices are techniques a person can use to help them improve their ability to remember something. In other words, it's a memory technique to help your brain better encode and recall important information.

Music Mnemonic

Songs and jingles can be used as a mnemonic. For example is how children remember the alphabet by singing the ABC's.

Name Mnemonic

The first letter of each word is combined into a new word. For example: VIBGYOR (or ROY G BIV) for the colours of the rainbow

Expression/Word Mnemonic

To make an Expression or Word mnemonic, the first letter of each item in a list is arranged to form a phrase or word. Examples:

  • My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles = Planets in order from the sun Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Add some picture element to these to aid recall of the sentence (picture of mum wearing a mortar board dishing up noodles for example)