
What is it?

Narrative is a spoken or written account of connected events; a story. It can be difficult for young people as it involves a heavy demand on both understanding and using language, use of complex grammar, abstract thinking, imagination, sequencing. It is a hugely important skill to have however.

There are plenty of commercially available narrative support packs for different age groups

We recommend the following from Blacksheep Press:

R - Reception Narrative

KS1 - Speaking and Listening Through Narrative ages 5 - 7

KS2 - From Oral to Written Narrative ages 7 - 11

KS3 - Secondary Talk Narrative

Using Writing Frames to Support Written Narrative

Writing frames can help young people by:-

  • avoiding the blank sheet of paper and reducing the anxiety that can be associated with it

  • offering some sort of organisation to the writing task

  • offering a variety different vocabulary - from starters, to connectives to adjectives and adverbs giving them opportunity to extend their experience beyond the familiar 'and then'

  • increasing their self esteem and motivation by offereing them success in what can often be a diffiuclt task

  • giving young people an overview of the writing task.

writing frames.mp4