Example Social Story 1

Following Directions

• My name is ___. I am a student at Woodruff school

• Mrs. Anderson is my teacher. Mrs. Anderson teaches me and the other students in my classroom many new things.

• Sometimes Mrs. Anderson talks to all the students at the same time. Sometimes Mrs. Anderson talks at the front of the room.

• When Mrs. Anderson is talking, students try to be quiet and listen to what she is saying.

• This is a good thing to do.

• I will try my best to be quiet and listen to what Mrs. Anderson’s saying.

• Mrs. Anderson gives students directions for doing work and other activities.

• Students try to follow Mrs. Anderson’s directions.

• This is a good thing to do.

• Sometimes, when Mrs. Anderson gives a direction, students might feel like doing something different.

• I will try my best to follow Mrs. Anderson’s directions.