5th Grade

Unit 3 Module B: Understanding the Universe

Early February - Early March: 3rd Trimester

Enduring Understandings

Readers understand the importance of learning the meanings of words and phrases in order to better comprehend text.

Writers understand that illustrations, photos, diagrams, and other visual elements convey important information.

Learners understand that scientists continue to study and reveal new information about the universe.

Essential Questions: "Knows"

How do readers make sense of texts with unfamiliar words?

Why do writers convey information in visual ways?

Module Goals: "Dos"

Readers will determine the meanings of words and phrases to understand information in various texts.

Writers will use research and visuals to convey information effectively.

Learners will understand that scientists continue to discover new information about the universe.

Evidence of Learning: PBA

Informative/Explanatory Task: Write a Science Journal Article

Students will conduct short research projects using various sources to create a science journal article about something in the universe that interests them.

Standards Addressed

The highlighted evidence outcomes are the priority for all students, serving as the essential concepts and skills. It is recommended that the remaining evidence outcomes listed be addressed as time allows, representing the full breadth of the curriculum.

Module 3B spans Trimesters 2 and 3. Evidence outcomes are assessed and reported on in Trimester 3.

Standard 1: Oral Expression & Listening

Evidence outcomes in bold are those that are expected to be mastered in trimester 3

Standard 2: Reading for All Purposes

Evidence outcomes in bold are those that are expected to be mastered in trimester 3

Prioritized Evidence Outcomes:

Supporting Evidence Outcomes:

Foundational Skills:

Standard 3: Writing & Composition

Evidence outcomes in bold are those that are expected to be mastered in trimester 3

Prioritized Evidence Outcome:

Supporting Evidence Outcomes: 

Grammar & Conventions:

Standard 4: Research Inquiry and Design


Assessments listed below reflect a balance of both formative and summative options, providing teachers and students with information relative to mastery of module and unit goals in reading and writing.

Performance-Based Assessment

Student Prompt: 

Write a scientific journal article on a topic related to the universe. First, conduct research to find a suitable topic for your article. Then use several sources to build knowledge and investigate different aspects of your chosen topic. Use this research to create your journal article. 

Remember to:

3B Informative/Explanatory Rubric

Selection Tests


Texts listed below reflect the full series of reading materials designed to build background knowledge within the Unit theme.

Anchor Text

Jess and Layla’s Astronomical Assignment
(trade book)

Lexile 910L 

Literary Text

Supporting Texts

Our Mysterious Universe A Black Hole is NOT a Hole
(trade book) (Text Collection V2)

Lexile 980L Lexile 900L 

Informational Text Informational Text


“Charlotte’s Space Travel”

Lexile 970L

“Moving to Mars?”

Lexile 1010L

Aligned Texts for  Small Group & Additional Reading

Our Solar System

(available for check out through Media Services)