
Free Coli

Project Description:

We aim to genetically engineer a naturally transformable lab strain of E. coli by inserting genes of the related naturally transformable bacteria Acinetobacter baylii. A naturally transformable lab strain of E. coli will be able to uptake and integrate foreign DNA without the need for costly equipment and protocols such as electroporation or chemical treatment, thus lowering the cost and improving the efficiency of E. coli as a tool for synthetic biology.


Our project targets one Sustainable Development Goal: Goal #4: Quality Education. More specifically, the goal we would like to emphasize are sub-goal 4.3.

Task 1 (4.3): Complete our survey on attitudes and opinions about genetic engineering and accessibility to genetic engineering to target subgoal 4.3. to understand the importance of equal education.


Instagram: @usyd_igem

Twitter: @USydiGEM