Our goal is to develop a rapid and sensitive diagnostic assay based on isothermal amplification technologies such as LAMP or RPA. We will attempt to engineer better CRISPR enzymes so that they can be more compatible in terms of buffer composition and amplification temperature. Additionally, we would screen and test for CRISPR-Cas enzyme that are able to have better SNP discrimination with potential applications in identifying cancer causing mutations or variant identification in viruses.


Our project targets two Sustainable Development Goals: Goal #3: Good Health and Wellbeing, and Goal #4: Quality Education. More specifically, the goals we would like to emphasize are sub-goals 3.3, 3.D and 4.5.

Task 1 (3.3/3.D): Through these interviews, we can understand the important role rapid testing plays in ensuring everyone, especially those in developing countries, is able to quickly test for the presence of a virus/ disease in the community and put measures in place to quickly stem the spread by making diagnosis easier and more accessible.

Task 2 (4.5): We hope that this website can allow the information on the field of Synbio to be spread to more people, especially those living in communities where information are not readily accessible.


Task 1 (3.3/3.D): N/A

Task 2 (4.5): https://linktr.ee/ntuigem


email: igemteamntu2021@gmail.com

twitter: @ntuigem

instagram: @ntuigem

tiktok: @ntuigem_2021