Fervēre Factory

Project Description:

Fervēre factory aims to fulfill a market demand for Tropane Alkaloid-derived drugs by providing a higher production, lower-cost production pathway through the alternative heterologous production of Tropane Alkaloids (TA). Fervēre factory's goal of decreasing cost and increasing output corrects a market shortage in the pharmaceutical industry that has applications in anesthetic drugs, Parkinson's medication, etc.


Our project targets one Sustainable Development Goals: Goal #3: Good Health and Well Being. More specifically, the goal we would like to emphasize is sub-goal 3.B.

Task 1 (3.B): There is currently a shortage with tropane alkaloid-derived medications. By interviewing those who depend on those medications, we are able to understand their needs and see how our project of modifying the production process can help.


Task 1 (3.B): N/A


Team Instagram: @ferverefactory

Team Leader Instagram: @anita.lyc