Open_Science_Global 2021


Project Description:

We are democratizing biotechnology by designing IP-free, freely-distributable enzyme constructs and a well-established, frugal protocol for enzyme production and purification regarding important biotech enzymes - including DNA Phusion Polymerase, T4 Ligase, and Type IIS Restriction Endonucleases.


Our project targets three Sustainable Development Goals: Goal #3: Good Health and Well Being, Goal #9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, and Goal #13: Climate Action. More specifically, the goals we would like to emphasize are sub-goals 3.D, 9.1, and 13.3.

Task 1: JOGL is one of the most important initiatives helping develop a resilient infrastructure for Open Material Transfer, in collaboration with FreeGenes and Open Bioeconomy Lab - to facilitate communication and connections between labs and community spaces, and they have financially supported many teams and projects, especially in developing countries. Bringing awareness to this initiative by joining it and letting your team members know will inevitably push forward the initiative for resilient biotech infrastructure (9.1), which will in turn increase institutional capacity regarding climate action/prevention (13.3), and building a more reliable wetware supply chain than we've had during the entire COVID-19 pandemic (which has not been reliable at all; 3.d).

Task 2: Awareness on the current infrastructure and free wetware supply chain can target SDG 9.1.




Instagram: @igem_friendzymes

Twitter: @friendzymes