RUBochum 2021

Project Platylicious

Project Description:

Our project deals with the synthetic production of milk and flavors in yeast. The goal of "Project Platylicious" is to produce vanilla yogurt, which is based on both cow and platypus milk and does not differ from them in molecular structure. Additionally we are producing an antimicrobial protein, already naturally occuring in platypus milk, which is promising as an alternative to common milk pasteurisation and as an antimicrobial agent.

The fascinating properties of the platypus milk also creates awareness for endangered species.

We want to save the platypus from its current threat of the farming industry, especially in Tasmania.


Our project targets two Sustainable Development Goals: Goal #6: Clean Water and Sanitation, and Goal #15: Life on Land. More specifically, the goals we would like to emphasize are sub-goals 6.3 and 15.5.

Task 1: Make a list of the five major endangered species and the threats they encounter as well as the three major contributors (e.g. companies) to water pollution.

Task 2: Put us in contact with experts (e.g. environmental scientists, climate activists, agricultural scientists).

