Task Guidelines:

  1. Each tasks must relate to the subgoals (one or more) under the SDGs your team has chosen

  2. Each task should be fairly simple for the other team to complete (i.e. fill in this survey and send it out to ___ amount of contacts or find a contact that specializes in _____ field of study)

  3. Each team should provide 1-2 tasks for other teams to accomplish

  4. Each team should accomplish at least the same number of tasks as your team has provided (i.e. if you have 2 tasks, you should accomplish two tasks in return), but feel free to do more!!

  5. You are allowed to accomplish multiple tasks even if each tasks are from different teams

  6. Choose tasks that no team has chosen yet (click the spreadsheet below)

Take a look at other team’s tasks for inspiration.

If you have any questions, contact: igem_tas (instagram) or igemtas@gmail.com

Task Spreadsheet:

Find the spreadsheet HERE

Tasks Spreadsheet- SDG Challenge 2021