Photo 2

This school year, I took Photo 2 as my Visual and Performing Arts class. I learned a lot of similar techniques as Photo 1 except a bit more in-depth. I learned so many new techniques as well, such as using new photoshop (I never could get the hang of the old version of Photoshop).

We started off the year with learning about digital photography. Not only did I learn how to use iPhoto to edit photos, but I got some very good instruction on how to use Adobe Photoshop. Before I would get so frustrated when using PhotoShop, maybe because it was an older version but I could never get the hang of it. Then I tried the new photoshop and it was so much easier to use. I tried first using individual tools and made some good photos, then I tried combining tools and made some images look like oil paintings. I have no idea if that was possible with the old version of photoshop but it was so simple that I didn't really care. I saw what other people were doing in photoshop and it blew my mind of what the computer is capable of when it comes to photos.

Then COVID-19 hit. School's out, everything is closed, we're not supposed to leave our houses. What now? Normaly we would have been doing work with film but obviously we can't do that outside of school. So Mrs.Medsker tried something new: photojournalism. I thought this would mean more writing than photo-taking but I was wrong. rather than taking photos of specific compositions like our digital unit, we took photos of our everyday lives. It was something different but it was a good different. I would even argue that some of my photojournalism photos were better than some of my photos from the digital unit. And that's all thanks to Mrs. Medsker for thinking of something new for students to try.

This has been a great year and I'll miss this class. Again, thanks to Mrs. Medsker for an amazing semester of photo-taking.