
"Red Like a Rose"

This project was something that I had never tried before. Everything that I have photographed in the past has been of 2 or more colors. This was my first experience of taking a photo that consists of strictly one color.

There are a million flowers around my house in the gardens, but they are all different colors. I had to venture far into my house to find a flower that didn't have some sort of color shift. Don't ask me what the name of this flower is but it's definitely not a rose. Looking into the flower looked very abstract. If you weren't a crazy flower freak, you may not know what you're looking at. There was no color change at all in the flower so that fit the monochromatic rule. Now I just had to zoom in on the inner part of the flower and make sure not to catch any of the background. There was a pretty large shadow from my camera in the flower but my photoshop didn't want to cooperate so the most I could do was adjust the exposure and saturation. Still, this photo turned out better than I anticipated.