
Along For The Ride

I took this photo as part of my minimalism project. Quarantine has allowed me to ride my bike a lot more than usual and has opened up more photo taking opportunities. This one I took after I cleaned my mountain bike after a ride around my trails.

To follow the minimalist type of art, I needed a background that had a consistent texture and something that stands out in the foreground. If anything stands out against any color it's the color of my mountain bike: bright green. Then I needed to find a background that had a consistent texture and color. I chose the siding of my old garage next to my house because it's really weathered and looks more natural than the siding to my house. I wanted to have less of the bike frame in the photo than the weathered siding of the garage to show the minimalism composition. The only thing I changed in this photo was the exposure and saturation to make it seem darker than it actually is. I I had to change anything else about this photo it would be the dark lines of the brakes that run parallel to the bike frame. They are really hard to spot but they are there.