Still Life

Frozen in Time

Finally, another project not related to color composition. This project was about still life. This is a composition that I have all to much experience with because when looking at other people's work, a lot of my previous photos seem to fall into this category. I took this photo while I was surveying the woods racing trails I built around my property for maintenance. We have this swing set that has sat in our yard for so long and we don't play on it that much anymore because it has a lot of splinters, but it fills a large empty space in our yard so we haven't gotten rid of it. And for this project, it made a great subject.

This swingset is older than me but still surprisingly looks pretty good for being made of wood. Now, it's just another obstacle on the woods racing circuit that covers most of my property. I had walked past and rode past it many times but never stopped to take photos. It just never seemed like a good photo subject. Turns out I was wrong. The old weathered look really stands with the term still life and overall looks good after some edits. I wanted to be sure to capture the weathered look of the swing and the woods behind it so I literally had to place my camera on the ground and angle it upward toward the swing. After tweaking the exposure and saturation in iPhoto, the swing now looks even more weathered and came out better than I expected it would. Looking back on this photo, there is one main thing that would be changed: the horizon level. I think it would have looked better without the snowy footer and just focused on the swing and the woods behind it, but it still looks pretty good and I'm very happy with how it turned out.