
Almost Like Christmas

First it was all one color, now it's opposite colors. I didn't think this project would be interesting, but now I see why colors have opposites. This photo is of a quilt that my mom was making and she chose a few main colors for it. Two of which are complementary, red and green. I considered some other subject in the photo, but looking literally closer at the quilt you could see the individual stitches in the material and it looks amazing close up.

Taking this photo isn't as simple as just putting the camera very up close and taking the shot. There were several factors I had to take into account. One was lighting. Near the top left of the photo was a lot brighter than it looks. I could edit it in PhotoShop which I did but I had to be sure that the light didn't randomly adjust the cameras exposure and overexpose the image. I think It looked decent before I edited it but it looks even better after adjusting the exposure a bit and using the blur tool in that top left corner. If I had to change anything else about this image, I would have used the blur tool to blur out the other colors apart from the complementary colors. This would draw focus to the red and green which are complements of each other.