Daily Patterns

Building Dirt

My daily patterns are usually pretty simple: work on school work for a few hours in the morning, ride my dirtbike or work on my trails or track for a few more hours, then more school work the rest of the day. Doesn't really change from that. I took this photo while doing some work on my trails.

Having more time to work on my track and bikes has been fun, but sometimes it's more work than schoolwork. At least it's work that I enjoy doing. I usually put my tools that I use for track maintenance next to a tree and thought this would be a good photo to show what my daily patterns are. So I took a photo of my pickaxe and metal rake against the tree and it came out pretty good. I did use the blur tool to blur up the left side of the tree bark because so much of it was in focus and I think that was the right call. There are some ridges from the blur tool but I couldn't get rid of those. It would have looked better without those but they're not very noticable.