
"Purple Berries"

Honestly, I didn't try that much with this photo. I was just having breakfast one day and took the photo. I did see a photo of blue waffles a while ago so that's kind of where my inspiration came from to change the color of the strawberries to purple.

This is a simple photo of what I had for breakfast one day. But I took what I learned from a food photography video I watched in class and mostly took away one thing: NO CENTERED PHOTOS. I didn't really follow that but I wanted to catch the least amount of the white bowl as possible without completely over filling the bowl with cereal. I did however make sure that the shot wasn't level which was something else from the video. One major inspiration for this photo was a photo I saw one day on Instagram. It wasn't photoshop, but it was a video of someone eating blue waffles. Yes I was disgusted but that's what I thought back to when editing this photo in photoshop. One big thing I would change though is making sure that the purple didn't bleed off of the berries. It does kind of make it seem like the berries were glowing which looks pretty cool but it just makes it look unfinished and that's how no photo should look.