Time Capsule Drawings

Self Portrait

Interesting Object

Linear Perspective

Artist Statement:

At the beginning of the year we were asked to make 3 drawings one self portrait, one drawing of an interesting object and one liner perspective drawing of a corner of a room or hallway. The subject of my interesting object drawing was a tree with a stone bench outside my window. I used colored pencils on the interesting object drawing and the linear perspective drawing.

Some elements of art I used are Space and Color. Some principles of design Movement and Rhythm. I don't think my project evolved much. I changed the spacing on the walls in my linear perspective drawing, I also changed the shading on the bottom of stone bench in my interesting object drawing.

There was no meaning behind any of these three drawings. I am proud of the pattern and formation on the tree in the interesting object drawing. I think I struggled most on my self portrait and the spacing between eyes and the placement of the nose. If I would change anything I would use better shading and shape on my self portrait.