Find Your Voice

"Veteran Times" (9.8in x 7in)

Artist Statement:

The idea behind this piece is veterans, and how they are recognized for their service but don't always feel like they are. I choose to make it about veterans because a lot of my family members served in parts of the military.

I made this by sketching out the basic lines for each section and person, I painted in each part as needed. The last thing I did was filled the small details to finish. The materials I used were painters tape, watercolor paint, acrylic paint and thin tip markers.

A process I used to make this piece was waiting in-between each coat of watercolor to see what it looked like when it was dry and mixing in various amounts of water to get different texture. I think my project evolved in the way of balance in colors and value of space and depth use in the different sides. I think my next step would to blur the line that separates the two halves to add emphasis to the piece.