Sustained Investigation #1

"The Worlds Fate" (5 x 8in)

Artist statement:

The question behind this piece is how can I use color and emphasis to show the different environmental changes. I choose to make this because I wanted to show a possible result of all the impact that pollution and climate change can have.

I made this piece by first painting the background, then splitting the center circle in half, painting each half its desired colors. The materials I used were watercolor paint and a charcoal pencil.

One process that I used to create this piece is only painting one layer at a time and using a blowdryer to help it dry faster rather than having all of the paint mixes together at once. I think my project evolved by the unity of the whole thing. I think that the colors came together in the end, to make it seem unified. I think my next step would be to add the sun’s glare around the earth or a sun glare in the distance.