Foundations of Art

At the beginning of the year we learned what the Elements of art and Principles of design were. And throughout the year we had to write artist statements and make art that somehow connected to one or more of these elements and principles.

As the year moved forward I got better with tying in the connections between the art and the elements/principles. When I had to analyze my art to find out which principles I had used I had to really think about what I was doing when I was making the project and what the project looked like. I am proud of the way I thought about and really looked at my project to find what elements of art and principles of design I was using.

I think that my work shows me progressing through the year in ways of project quality and the way my artist statements were put together. I think my artist statements have gotten better throughout the year because I learned to take more time thinking about what the process was when I was writing. I think my work shows my weaknesses as a learner because when my head is not in the assignment it takes me longer to complete the work, even if I am working as hard as I usually am. I think one of my strengths as a learner that shows in my work is the growth in knowledge I picked up as I am working. What I mean by that is when I am working on a project I pick up knowledge that affects my work but doesn’t affect my long term knowledge.