Squiggle Drawing

Before Squiggle

After Squiggle

Artist Statement:

The assignment was to turn a squiggly line into a picture. We had to start out by drawing a random squiggly line on a piece of paper, then swap the papers with a different person. With that alternate squiggle line you had to use it and turn it into a image of your choosing . I didn't really have a subject for this project but when I looked and turned it at the line I saw a wave.

A element of art I used in my Squiggle Drawing is Color. A principle of design I think I used was Unity and Balance. I don't think my project evolved while I worked on it. The materials I used in the project were color pencils.

There was no meaning behind this piece. I am most proud of the shading of the blue for the water to moves with the waves. I struggled with coming up with an idea to make the squiggle into.