Squiggle Drawing


Before 9x12'

Squiggle Mountain Range

After 9x12'

Artist Statement:

My artwork began with a squiggle made out of black sharpie on a blank piece of paper. As I examined the mark, occasionally rotating my page to look from a different perspective, I began to envision a mountain range in the pointed tops of the 'M' shaped squiggle. I got to work immediately, using pencil first to create a light outline, then later went in with some darker shading and orange, green, yellow and blue colored pencil.

In my squiggle drawing, I tried to incorporate 5 elements of art. I used shape when creating the triangular mountains, circular sun and pond, and squares for the dock. I used lines throughout the whole piece, the sides of the hills, the water reflection, and the boards of the dock which balanced it out and created pattern. I used value to shade the mountains and create contrast and dimension, space in the sky. Finally, I used bright colors to create emphasis on the dock and sun so your eyes were drawn to those specific things.

With the sun setting in the distance and the reflection on the water, there is an idea in this piece that represents tranquility. I tried to associate my drawing with mountains and calm lakes in Colorado. I have never been but I wish to travel there someday. I struggled with creating the dock in the beginning. I found it difficult to give it an illusion of stretching back into the water, but I am still proud I was able to take something as simple as 3 triangular mountains and create detailed scenery around it.