Tape Design Murals

Monstera Plant

Blue painters tape

FHS Falcon

Blue painters tape, white masking tape 


Process photos 


Artist Statement

For this project, we created murals in the hallways of our school out of blue painters tape. The goal for this project was to experiment with design, using material and canvas that we are unfamiliar with. We completed two projects, one mural of our choice. I chose to do a monsterra plant in a pot next to my monstera plants at home. For the second mural, we were given images of falcons to choose from and re create in the halls of the school to show our falcon pride. 

For this project, we were given one roll of blue painters tape, which pushed us to focus more on creating positive and negative space in our designs. We were also given exacto knifes, and scissors for precise lines, as well as the option to use white masking tape to add any detail, which I used to create curving lines for the feathers of my falcons. 

I found painters tape a bit challenging and time consuming, however I think it helped push me outside of my comfort zone and familiarize myself with new forms, processes and materials of art. For my monsters plant, I had a basic plan sketched out on paper before I went in with the tape. However, my falcon was more of a free style project, where I kept adding and taking away tape until i was content with the finished product. I believe my falcon was more design based, with lots of long, straight lines and patterns, whereas my monsterra, although it still incorporated lines and patterns, was more of a simple piece that focused more on a variety of different shapes.