Sustained Investigation #3

Edge of the Jungle


Gouache, white gel pen, colored pencil, pencil

Artist Statement:

For my final sustained investigation, I focused on the human impact on wildlife through deforestation. The Amazon rainforest is one of the most biodiverse regions in the world, and it plays a crucial role in regulating the Earth's climate. However, deforestation in the region has been increasing rapidly in recent decades, with severe consequences for both the local ecosystem and the global environment. Deforestation in the Amazon has had a significant impact on the wildlife that calls the region home and has led to population declines and even the extinction of some species, so I decided to focus on it for my project. Through my piece, I wanted to remind people that we only have one planet, and to raise awareness for the extent of deforestation and the negative impacts it is having on jungle flora and fauna. I began by drawing a healthy and thriving rainforest, with large trees, flowers, and plants. I also drew a few of the common species in the amazon rainforest that are most affected. To contrast this, I made it look as if the animals in the painting had stumbled across stumps of trees and plants that had been trampled and cut down by humans.

For this project, we were given our own choice of materials. I decided to begin this piece by sketching out a detailed outline in 2B pencil. I then went in with gouache because it allowed me to add both opaque and saturated details. I used a variety of greens, blues, and yellows for the bushes, plants, and trees to make them appear healthy and lush, set against a clear light blue sky. I also used browns, grays, and touches of red and orange for the wildlife and tree trunks. I then outlined the shapes using the same colors in colored pencil to add more color and texture. Finally, I also went in with 8 and 10-mm white gel pens to add lines, highlights, and contrast.

Throughout this project, I went through a few processes while creating my final piece. I had to begin my project by researching the effects of human-environment interaction and deforestation, and which part of the earth that was most affected in order to accurately represent the negative effects this issue is having on wildlife and their habitats. I had to take some time to research and choose different images of the species and trees found in the jungle and sketch them out on a separate piece of drawing paper before choosing what I wanted to include. I also played with a few different paint application styles. I used a blotting technique for the trees and jungle floor to make them look more textured. I experimented with mixed media. I used two white gel pens with different tips which helped to add a variety of highlights everywhere, including the trees, the fur of the animals, and in the plants.