2D Design

2D Design Final Reflection

I feel like I struggled most at the beginning of this semester. This mostly had to do with my poor time management skills. For all my work, I used very detailed sketches and outlines, and never anticipated how long it might take me to actually paint or color the piece. This lead me to feel extremely rushed the night before to meet the deadline, and some of my work wouldn't end up coming out the way I wanted. By the end of the year, however, I worked on my projects more consistently throughout the week, in school and at home, and was, therefore, able to incorporate more detail into my projects. At the start of the year, I also had difficulty finding what materials I preferred to use, and what kinds of art I was particularly interested in creating. I enjoyed working with pencil drawings, digital art, and extended blind contour projects but had a hard time finding something that really stood out and clicked for me. It wasn't until I started experimenting with watercolor and gouache that my love for art started to grow again and I began developing a personal art style and understanding of my own artistic voice. While using these materials, I learned how to use color effectively to create different moods and emotions in my work. I have also been successful with my organization and preparation this year. Before I start my projects, I always have some sort of vision or plan sketched out that I work and build off of, which has made my creating process easier and more efficient.

Moving forward, I would like to challenge myself by using more materials and techniques. I feel it can open up opportunities for artistic expression and can help lead to the creation of unique and innovative works. I feel it will help to foster my own creativity and inspire me to think in new ways about my art. I am particularly interested in continuing with design, but also working with printmaking, charcoal, oil pastels, 3D art etc. I also feel like I am very critical of myself throughout the process of creating and when I am finished with my work. I am going to try to stop being overly concerned with perfection in my art so I do not inhibit myself to experiment and take risks and do not lose the motivation to keep creating the art I love. My goal is to continuewith art classes throughout high school and beyond so I can continue to enter contests in the future, and continue to create artwork that reflects my own personal interests such as social or political issues, and other themes important to me. Lastly, I want to practice improving my art skills by learning from critiques, feedback, and seeking inspiration from other artists and artwork, and want to strive to keep an open mind, be willing to take risks, make mistakes, and keep pushing myself to grow and improve.