modified Contour

our first task was to hold an interesting object in our hand and draw it the twist was we were to make it look as real as possible without shading using lighter and darker lines to show shadows and darker points, for the shoe it had the same twist but instead of our hand holding something we drew 3 different views of the shoe.

I couldn't think of an interesting thing so I grabbed my eraser and began to draw my hand holding it like I had just grabbed it. for the shoe I drew one of my favorite shoes from kindergarten that my dad had lying around I drew it from the front angle the side angle and the top angle.

I made my artwork using lighter and darker lines to show shade since we were not allowed to shade it even though I accidentally shaded out of habit once or twice and drawing each and every line I saw.

in my artwork, the elements I used were shaped line and texture to make my drawing look as real as possible without shading or using anything besides a pencil, the principles I used to make this contour drawing were balance and unity to make the drawing look smooth and look realistic.

my project went from a drawing that barely looked realistic to a drawing that actually looked like something and i my hand drawing started out just like an outline of a hand with a rectangle on it into a hand holding a 3d eraser but I think if I could change it I would have held a different object and drawn a different eraser

my hand drawing doesn't have a story it was just assigned but the shoe drawing reminds me of one of the only kindergarten memories I have I was wearing those exact shoes and had tied 2 jump ropes around my back and to a thick trunk of a tree and I decided it would be cool if I went upside down so I flipped myself under the tree and all that was holding me up was the 2 jump ropes tied together using a double slipknot than i remember seeing one of my teachers sprinting across the playground to me.

each project relates to my lie in different ways the shoes remind me of that childhood memories and the eraser hand drawing relates to my life because when doing things I have a vision of how I want things and how I make so many mistakes that I have to erase.

for my hand drawing, I am proudest of my thumb and its positioning on the eraser because of that's pretty much how I envisioned it looking and for my shoe, I loved the top angle because of how realistic it looked to me.

I struggled with not shading because that's a habit I have been practicing since I started drawing not shading really just flipped this challenge around for me I was able to overcome this obstacle just by getting used to not shading and using darker lines instead.

I think each piece of artwork could be stronger the shoe from the side angle just doesn't work its angle are messed up and there is some shading those two things I would definitely change and for the hand drawing, I would make my fingers a bit thicker so they don't look so narrow and long.