
Word graphic

This piece shows the outline of a unicorn made out of the word unicorn and who hasn't heard of a unicorn farting rainbows so that had to be shown. my project only relates to my life in one way back in 5th grade I had an obsession with the color pink and since unicorns and the color pink go hand and hand I would always draw unicorns.

My piece was made with a lot of brainstorming and redrawing letter after letter to get it to the right shape so I could make it look like the outline of a unicorn.

I experimented with which letters would be the horn and how I would make people see it and be able to say yep that's a unicorn. my project evolved from a mediocre outline of a horse to a horse outline filled with letters and finally to a unicorn farting out a rainbow. my next step would be to make the letters bumpy and textured to make my unicorn seem more realistic.

Freeport high school

the visually evident ideas are that judging by the first logo the class of 22 is classy and by the second which would be in the back shows that we are strong. this project relates to my life mainly because I am designing these logos for my class which I think is pretty cool.

I used a pencil to create and play around with the original design to make it look good then once I had something I liked I used a ballpoint pen to go over the lines and make my design permanent onto the page

I started by drawing a person flexing then erased the person's head and replaced it with a falcon head then I replaced all but the person's muscles with a feathery design then finally added the number 22 to symbolize the class of 2022 once completed I went over and thickened the lines with a pen and finished up my project started as a person flexing to a falcon displaying the absolute power of the falcon class of 2022. my next step would be to bring this design in and make it into a shirt.